Project H
Project H is a platform for teachers and leaders to share successes and failures. It’s about building a community to find a solution to the big challenges in education.
What is Project H?

We pride ourselves on the experience, expertise and insight of team members across our trust. When we find something that works, we believe we have a responsibility to share it – within our own trust and beyond.  

And so Project H was born.

Project H aims to raise the standard of education nationally. To do this, we share resources, ideas and insights from team members across our trust.  

We invite our teachers and school leaders to offer feedback and observations, so we can learn from their experience. We harness expertise and work collaboratively to find scalable solutions to improve all schools.  

We share our resources, strategies and tools, in the hope that they will benefit more children and communities than we can reach in our schools. In this way, we’re also sharing our most talented people – we want them to have an impact on education that extends beyond their own schools.

Project H helps us to: 
  • Establish a culture of self-reflection: Embedding an intentional practice of reflection in all we do.
  • Empower our people: Insights in real time to help us understand our challenges and opportunities.
  • Embrace our setbacks: Recognising that failure is part of the journey and is an opportunity for growth.
  • Turn challenges into solutions: Exploring our issues in detail to find sustainable solutions.

Find out more at our Project H website.

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Share ideas early, often and honestly
Being open about ideas to develop them - even if they might not succeed.
Embrace constructive disagreement
Seeking meaningful discussion, welcoming the fact that we may not always agree.
Value ideas, not ego
Listening to every individual equally, not just those who shout the loudest.
Be curious and open to new ideas
Exploring emerging views from a wide diversity of perspectives.
Focus on facts and reason
Understanding the world as it is, not how we wish it to be.
Our approach

We are building a community where everyone’s voice counts, and every insight - whether from success or setback - matters.

To improve schools across our country, in our network and beyond, we are building collective expertise through a culture that encourages honest reflection and open exchange.

Project H is part of our network improvement strategy at Lift Schools. It is a platform that reveals the successes and challenges of our schools so that we can meet the needs of staff by supporting them with fresh insights from across the network.