Academic results
Everything we do here starts with our priority – the child. We believe every single child is entitled to an excellent education - no matter what their background, or what their future might hold.

As we see it, success isn’t confined to our schools and our students, it’s the broader impact we have on the communities that we serve. It’s the young people we send out into the world and the adults they will become. It’s the results they achieve, and the careers that open up to them. Most of all it’s the experiences they have along the way which makes them grow as people.

Phonics: 89%

…of Year 1 pupils reached the expected standard in the key stage 1 phonics check. Our pupils scored an average of 34.9 out of a possible 40 marks in the test – an increase of 0.7 on the previous year’s score.

Key stage 2: 76%

…of Year 6 pupils met the expected standard in all three of reading, writing and maths in their 2024 key stage 2 assessment tests. This is a six percentage point increase on the previous year – and 15 percentage points ahead of the national average.

GCSE: 58%

…of our GCSE pupils achieved grade 4 or above in English and maths in 2024. 
The majority – 97% – of pupils who leave our schools after GCSEs intend to go on to education, employment or an apprenticeship.  

A level: 68%

…of our A-level pupils achieved grades A*-C in 2024.
The majority – 94% – of our school leavers intended to go on to education, employment or an apprenticeship. More than half – 57% – planned to go to university. 

Applied general: 83%

…of pupils who sat the applied general vocational qualification in 2024 achieved distinction or merit.

University places: 80%
…of pupils leaving our schools aged 18 achieved the grades needed for a place at their first or reserve choice of destination. Many went on to Russell Group universities or industry-leading apprenticeships.

Eliminating disadvantage: 88%
Our goal is to eliminate the effects of disadvantage, ensuring that disadvantaged pupils perform as well as their peers. We are well on our way to achieving this.
-  88% of disadvantaged children reached the expected standard in their key stage 1 phonics check – 21 percentage points higher than the latest available national average.
-  In 22 out of our 31 primaries, disadvantaged pupils’ performance in the phonics check was above the latest national average for pupils not from a disadvantaged background. 
-  70% of disadvantaged pupils reached the expected standard at key stage 2 for reading, writing and maths. 
-  In 15 out of our 31 primaries, disadvantaged pupils’ performance at key stage 2 was above the latest national average for pupils not from a disadvantaged background.