Education changes lives
Lift Schools exists to unlock success for every child. Our mission is to provide an excellent education to every child, in every classroom, every day.
What is the significance of the number 490?

There is a lot of talk in education about driving up standards and delivering results. It can, however, often feel a bit abstract.

At Lift Schools, we have decided to tie our ambition to a concrete goal: 490.

What does 490 signify? It means that by 2028, we want 90% of our GCSE pupils to be scoring grade 4 or above in English and maths.

There’s more to it than that, though. There are four elements to our 490 goal, which build on one another. By 2028, we want 90% of our pupils: 

to be secure readers for their age; 
to reach the expected standard in the key stage 1 phonics check; 
to meet the expected standard in reading, writing and maths; and 
to achieve grade 4 or above in English and maths GCSE.

It is a significant ambition: 58% of GCSE pupils achieved the same level in 2024. It is also significant in another sense: it demonstrates our uncompromising desire to raise achievement for every single student. 

The number 490 represents our pledge to end educational disparity. It is our promise that all our pupils will receive the education that they deserve – one that sets them up for a successful life.

How will we achieve this?

Our desire for universal excellence, encapsulated in the number 490, is only one of the goals for education we have at Lift Schools.

In total, there are ten goals, each of which will take us one step closer to our overarching 490 ambition.

Mission, maxims and goals

These goals include:

Eliminating the effects of disadvantage
We want disadvantaged pupils at Lift Schools to achieve the same results as any other student – their results should be in line with the national average for all pupils. 

Championing educational equality 
Students with special educational needs and disabilities should have all their needs met, whether they’re in a mainstream or a special school.

Building strong relationships
We want our pupils to be in school every day, learning, and to feel safe and nurtured while they’re there. Much of this comes down to the importance of relationships between pupils, teachers and parents.

We also recognise the importance of devoting time, resources and expertise to crucial areas of the curriculum.